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Finally - Off to the South Island!

September 14, 2016

North Island - What a ride this was! Personally I, Leon, thought we would be out of the country already by now! But here we are more than 7months just in the North Island and in a few days we'll start exploring the South Island - Te Waipounamu. We are very looking forward to travel South (apart from below zero degrees weather!), we have heard many positive feedback on what to expect on the South Island, safer, rugged landscape, integrating more with Maori culture , jaw dropping fjords and glaciers, and hoping to see more seals and penguins! Some people said that it's like Scotland on steriods, lets hope it lives up to it's name!

We have visited amazing places, seen breath taking scenery, driven thousands of kilometers,

dived and snorkeled wonderful reefs. Having also tried new things with regards to our travel

approach, we met beautiful people, thanks to Couchsurfing and we have just ended our first

stay with a HelpX family, we must say that we love it!

Unfortunately being robbed in one of our top countries in the bucket list changed slightly
perspective on NZ BUT this has also changed the way we travel: lighter - owning less
stuff, means worry less! and better on the back too. Also we're now more
cautious to the little 
personal belongings we still have. One thing we can't fail to say is that
Kiwi's are very kind hearted 
and apart from the guys who robbed us, we crossed path with
lovely and helpful people!
As most 
of you know, we do not give up easy and we're very looking forward to continue this amazing adventure.

For how long we'll be in NZ for? We don't really know. No plans is our plan, so we'll go with the flow. Probably you all know that we have finally received our new passports, so we have nothing else to tie us back from travelling anymore!

Where would you recommend us to go?

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