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Interislander Cook Strait Ferry

Place: Wellington, New Zealand
Service Used: 18th September 2016

I dont even know where to start. Utterly speechless of the grand gesture by this company.

After being robbed here in New Zealand, had our car broken into in a span of just 4minutes, we obviously underwent certain stress and difficulties in order to obtain certain documents again, bank cards, passports, re-purchasing most electronics and recovering money-wise.  


Being thankful we met a great local friend due to this robbery, Angela Thompson (you rock!), we quickly found out that she was helping us out in any means possible, one of which surprised us by nominating us for a travel voucher with Interislander! Having hoped for crossing the islands by ferry using our car, we were unsure due to the money, and by far, InterIslander have made our dream possible and assisted to continue with our adventure!

It was such a surprise, a great token, for being provided with the voucher out of pure kindness, it goes far by
saying we were very excited to book our ticket! Boarding onto the ferry a month later, the booking online
was very straightforward, the ferry was very comfortable and clean, upgraded for a breakfast and coffee/hot
chocolate which was a wonderful treat along the trip, for the amount of people there were (school holidays),
everything was well-organised, and the scenery along the trip was breathtaking!

A must-do if you are in New Zealand and wanting to cross from one island to the other, the cruise is an
attraction itself! From the Marlborough Sounds, to the sightings of seals, dolphins and the birds, 
a much better option than flying on just another plane.
And again, after such a kind gesture, who wouldn't want to support a company who believes in helping its
passengers in a second-chance?


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