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Australian Slang - Speak like a true Ozzie!

August 29, 2016

Sure, it's pretty easy to move to Australia.
I mean, everyone speaks English. It's just an accent right?

However, until you get there, you will soon realise you will completely feel lost with quite a few words here and there, which don't make any sense. I have gathered a list of words and phrases that might help you in understanding the Down Under Language!

Acadaca - AC/DC Band

Arvo Afternoon
Aussie - Australia

Avanavo - Have an Avocado
Avo - Avocado

Barbie - BBQ

Bikkie - Biscuit

Bloke - Male/Man

Bludger - Lazy

Bogan - A person of lower working-class

BottleO - Bottle Shop/ Liquor Store
Brissie - Brisbane

Brekkie - Breakfast

Chewie - Chewing-gum
Chips - Still confuses me!! This is crisps, and not french fries!

Chocky - Chocolate

Chook - Chicken

Cuppa - Cup of tea/coffee

Doona - Duvet

Drongo - Idiot
Dunny - Friend/ Can also mean toilet!

Durie - Tobacco

Esky - Cooler
Fair Dinkum - Truth

Footie - Football

Goon - Cheap Wine

Grouse - Great

Heaps - A lot!
Housos - A person who lives in housing commission
Hungry Jacks - Burger King
Jocks - Male Underpants

Kindy - Kindergarden

Maccas - McDonalds

Maggie - Magnetic Island
Mate - Used in every sentence, being friendly or as a caution!

Mondy - Monday
Mozzies - Mosquitoes

Op-Shop - Translates to Opportunity Shop/Second Hand Shop

Pommies - English Blokes
Postie - Post-man
Push-bikes - Bicycles
Rego - Car Registration

Roadie - Bottle or can of beer consumed whilst driving
RSL - Returned and Services League. A club where locals meet

Sanga - Sandwich
Schooner - Glass of Beer. Varies every state

Servo - Service Station

Sheila - Female/Woman

Singlet - Tank Tops

Smoko - Cigarette/Tea Break
Stoked - Delighted

'Straya - Another short word describing Australia
Sunnies - Sunglasses

Ta - Thanks

Thongs - Flip-Flops

Too easy - OK

Tradie - A tradesman

Ute - Van/Utility Car
Vinnies - Translates to Saint Vincent de Paul. Another Op-Shop ;)
Yanks - American Blokes
Yewy - U-Turn

Do you know of any others?

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